© 2025 Citizen Artist

Citizen Artist™ -a participatory science research platform, employs Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE) research methodologies to study

changes in ecological systems. With a focus on divergent ways of knowing, the non-conventional and integrative research methods (ABPE) are grounded in multimodal knowledge systems and sensory-based learning and offer underrepresented populations an opportunity to get involved in science.

​The​​​​ Citizen Artist™ Apprenticeship Program 

      If you are interested in an in-depth, focused, and one-on-one engagement with Dr. Woolery to learn Art-Based Perceptual Ecology research methodologies and explore their application to your area of study, then the 9-month Citizen Artist™ Apprenticeship Program will be a good fit for you. Either virtually or in-person, study alongside Dr. Lee Ann Woolery, who pioneered Art-Based Perceptual Ecology research methodologies. 
      The Citizen Artist™ Apprenticeship Program follows a rolling start date to coincide with your scheduling needs. 
It is highly recommended that you complete one of the 'Citizen Artist™ courses or other trainings first before starting the Citizen Artist™ Apprenticeship Program. However, we do make exceptions. If you have previous studies or experience in the natural sciences or environmental studies you would be a perfect fit for the Apprenticeship. There is no need for an art background or art experience to enroll in the Citizen Artist™ Apprenticeship Program. Click HERE for more details on the Citizen Artist™ Apprenticeship Program. Or send your contact info and questions  HERE


"Dr. Woolery is so incredibly knowledgeable in this topic. Not only is her own experience and research vast but she is incredibly generous with her time."

"I feel strong connections between the ABPE methodology and Indigenous methodologies and Decolonizing methodologies. I am currently seeing how I might bring everything together, how the Art-Based Perceptual Ecology methodologies might better support pedagogical research for Native and Indigenous students."


"On the topic of important differences between science-based and art-based qualitative research, the one that stands out most to me is that art-based includes different ways of knowing or understanding and recognizes that there are valuable truths in forms of knowledge that are typically outside the 'standard academic research' realms."

​"Data does not have to be only numbers-based!"  "(ABPE) Allows for more than one way to do scientific research."

"Having an end product isn’t the purpose; going through the process is the purpose! Once I allowed myself to slow down and stop my thinking-brain,

I was able to relax and enjoy the dancing shadows and listen to the sounds around me."

"Getting to know a plant form through its shadow was so engaging – the concentration put me in another zone."

"In this course, I was able to take a more creative approach to science that allowed me more flexibility than the science and data I have engaged in from a ‘western science’ angle. I will take that curiosity into my work in approaching research questions from a more creative and broader lens."

"ABPE is such an exciting research methodology. For years I have been looking for ways to combine art and science in a meaningful, creative and scholarly way. " 

"The ABPE methods spark creativity, fuel my curious mind, and lead to discovery. They opened my senses, heightened them and fine-tuned them."

Citizen Artist™ on Facebook

New Online Courses start Feb. 18. Registration Open NOW!

'Deep immersion into Art-Based Perceptual Ecology methods'

​* NEW Offering!  Asynchronous format. Giving you the freedom to learn when and where you want. *

Two Choices for Online Course format. Both Introductory Level. Identical Content.

                                               1) Asynchronous format Online Course, 6-units over 3-months.

                                               2) Hybrid format Online Course, 6-weeks, with weekly virtual/live instruction. 

Click on the DATE for Registration.

1) Asynchronous format Online choice: 6-units over 3-months.  Course opens:TUE. Feb 18 – May 18.

*Same content across all online choices.*

2) ​Hybrid format Online choices:  TUE. Feb 18 – March 25.  9:00 am – 10:30 am (MST)

THRS. Feb 20 – March 27.  4:00 pm – 5:30 pm (MST)

*All class times reflect MST time zone, Phoenix, AZ, US. Check your time zone for compatibility HERE.

The course: 'Deep immersion into Art-Based Perceptual Ecology methods'

What you will learn:

In these online courses you will be introduced to Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE) research methodologies, transdisciplinary and field-based research methods grounded in multimodal knowledge systems, sensory-based learning and framed within ecological and biological principles. ABPE is an investigative process and tool, bringing a new perspective, new insight to a research study. The ABPE methods have application to studying changes in ecological systems, addressing such critical and real-world issues as biodiversity decline, habitat loss and effects from climate change. ABPE also proves successful in addressing community-based eco-social issues.

Contrary to our name, there is no need for art experience to practice ABPE.  Cost for any of the courses is: $175 USD.  For more information on ABPE go HERE.  

The 6-week/6 session Hybrid format online course will include: 
 - Weekly, 90-min. live/virtual instruction and discussion-based sessions with cohort and led by 
 Dr. Lee Ann Woolery.
 - Instruction in 3 
ABPE research protocols. 
 - The course covers the history, theory, and methodological foundations of art-based research (ABR) and art-based perceptual ecology (ABPE) research methodologies. 
- Participants commit to an experiential component whereby weekly, they deeply engage in the ABPE protocols at their own pace in their local habitat. 

- Multiple online platforms to share weekly data collection, reflection and discussion with cohort and instructor. 
- Small class size made up of a global cohort of like-minded professionals absorbed in an immersive experience outside in diverse habitats.
- Upon completion of the course, membership to the global cohort and transdisciplinary think tank, Citizen Artist™ Café (over 200 members).

The 6-unit
Asynchronous format online course will include: 

​- A self-paced learning experience including audio, video, and written content available 24/7 over 3 months, offering you the freedom to learn when and where you want. 

- Instruction in 3 ABPE research protocols. 
- The course covers the history, theory, and methodological foundations of art-based research (ABR) and art-based perceptual ecology (ABPE) research methodologies. 
- Participants commit to an experiential component whereby they deeply engage in the ABPE protocols at their own pace in their local habitat. 
- Multiple online platforms to share data collection, reflection and discussion. Online discussion with instructor
Dr. Lee Ann Woolery throughout the course
- Upon completion of the course, membership to the global cohort and transdisciplinary think tank, Citizen Artist™ Café (over 200 members).

Who is this course for?
Anyone interested in 'other ways of knowing', non-conventional approaches to investigation or a scientific practice. This could include educators at all levels and all disciplines, PhD and graduate students, ecologists, conservationists, participatory and community-based researchers, environmental educators, leaders in community-based conservation, educators in all disciplines - art-based researchers, artists, and polymaths.

Ecological Society of America members, if you are seeking CEUs for the ESA Professional Certified Ecologist Program  note that Citizen Artist™ is an Approved Scientific Content Provider for ESA's Certified Ecologist Program. If you are an ESA certified ecologist seeking CEUs, you can earn 2.25 CEUs by completing the 6-session Citizen Artist™ online course,'Deep Immersion into Art-Based Perceptual Ecology.' For more information go to:  ESA's Professional Certified Ecologist Program.  Learn a transdisciplinary approach to scientific practices and ways of thinking using ABPE methods and explore how ABPE is expanding the boundaries of innovation and transformation in science at an individual and collective level. 

To receive information about all of our education programming, sign-up for the Citizen Artist™ mailing list HERE